Routine Work Order Requests

The College’s facilities services provider, ABM, requests all routine work order requests be submitted through the online work order system. Detailed instructions for entering a work order can be found here.

Please note: some non-emergency work orders can take up to five business days to complete. The requested username is your

Emergencies Outside of Regular Business Hours

Facilities emergencies (e.g. flood, fire, power outage, gas smell) outside of regular business hours (7:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.), please call Campus Safety at 860-297-2222.

Door Locks

For door or lock issues, please us the Information Services online help system.  Choose “Doors and Locks” from the request-type menu.

ABM Staff

ABM Staff Listing​


Facilities Services

238 New Britain Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106
Monday—Friday: 7:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m